Québec International: a video celebrating 20 years

Behind The Scenes • October 23, 2023

For Québec International’s 20th anniversary, iFX Productions was commissioned to create a video featuring members of the organization rather than professional actors, to highlight the organization’s achievements and impact. The video was premiered at the organization’s 20th anniversary party, to which we were invited.

Soirée des 20 ans Québec International

Québec International’s 20th Anniversary Event at the Centre des Congrès de Québec – iFX Productions

Québec International – A key player in innovation

Since its creation, Québec International has established itself as a driving force for economic development, innovation and prosperity in the Québec City region.

The history of Québec International

Founded on the vision of making Québec City a world-renowned center of excellence, Québec International has been a catalyst in the region’s economic and social transformation. With an approach focused on innovation, collaboration and excellence, the organization has helped attract talent and investment, propelling Québec City onto the international stage.

Mandates and accomplishments

With mandates ranging from attracting talent to promoting exports and supporting innovative companies, Québec International has been a pillar of the region’s economic growth. The results speak for themselves – a thriving economy, a dynamic innovation ecosystem and an enviable quality of life.

How our collaboration began

Our first encounter with Québec International dates back to 2022. We were honored to be chosen by the organization to contribute by creating video vignettes for the 9th edition of Catapulte, the acceleration program dedicated to propelling independent Quebec video game developers, organized by Québec Epix. Supported by giants such as Ubisoft, Desjardins, the Quebec government and Quebec City, Catapulte is a testament to collaborative innovation at its best.

A memorable evening to mark two decades of excellence

The 20th anniversary party, reported in Le Soleil, was a vibrant testament to Québec International’s continued prosperity and dedication to promoting the region on the world stage.

Impact in figures

Over the past two decades, Québec International has helped create over 10,000 jobs and attracted nearly $1.2 billion in foreign investment to the region. These impressive figures testify to the organization’s effectiveness and impact.

An authentic, human celebration

iFX Productions created a unique video for Québec International’s 20th anniversary, featuring the organization’s collaborators. They embody their own roles, bringing a personal and authentic touch. This choice reveals the commitment and passion that drive the team, offering a heartfelt tribute to two decades of innovation and prosperity. By featuring the organization’s collaborators, the video becomes more than a simple presentation of past achievements; it becomes a celebration of the institution, but also of the people who embody the spirit, vision and energy of Québec International.

The resonance of a collaboration

Gabriel Théberge, Senior Advisor – Social Media and Digital Communications at Québec International, expressed his satisfaction:

“To mark Québec International’s 20th anniversary, we decided to involve members (and former members) of each of the organization’s teams in concocting a video to be presented to the 300 or so participants at an evening celebrating our anniversary.

The objective: to highlight our impact on the Quebec City region, while presenting our various services, in a friendly setting filled with little “insides” about the organization.

Thanks to the entire iFX Productions team for producing this excellent product! You got on board the project even though the initial brief changed radically along the way, leading to more work than expected, but it was well worth it!”

A promising future

Future outlook

While Québec International celebrates its past achievements, anticipation for the future is palpable. The next steps look promising, with a renewed focus on innovation, sustainable growth and the internationalization of the region’s businesses.

iFX and Québec International – A partnership for the future

At iFX Productions, we are honored to have been associated with this celebration as a partner in this important milestone in the history of Québec International. Long live QI!